The Harriers email group is the main communication medium for the club, we really recommend you join this so you don’t miss out on what’s going on, and finding out what everyone else is up to by exchanging news and views about club life, races, results and so on.

The group is part of the well-established Google Groups network and is open to Harriers members only.


How to join the email group

  1. Setup a Google account if you haven’t got one yet, you can even use your existing email address!

Setup a Google Account

  1. When signed into your Google account, click on this link to request to join the email group, a few details are required

TWH Google Email Group

It’s a good idea to setup a Google account so that you can access the full web features of the group. This will enable you to change your group settings easily. You can also post messages and view group messages on the internet without having to log in to your email account.

If you are having trouble, please contact the webmaster


Useful information for the email group

When becoming a member, you can opt to receive all emails individually, to receive a single daily digest of all emails sent during a day, or to receive announcements only.

If you press ‘reply’ to a message, then your reply goes to the sender of the message
If you press ‘reply to all’ to a message, then your reply goes to the whole email group of 250+ members.

Although the group can catch and delete these, please turn off ‘out of office’ so it doesn’t auto-respond to the email list.

Please make sure that your antivirus software is kept up to date.


If you find you are getting too many messages, you might want to switch to the daily digest. This gives you all the messages for the day in a single email.

You can edit this within your preferences on the Google Groups page as long as you have a Google account.


Email group etiquette

Please do not send messages which might be considered offensive (eg. racist or sexist). We all want to have fun, but not at the expense of others.

Please limit your e-mails to subject matter involving the club – the group is not intended to be used for distribution of humorous e-mails, however benign.

Please do not copy material from other sources in your messages without crediting the original authors.

Please do not advertise your professional services via the club email group. If you have a particular job or skill you can offer your fellow club members, then email the club committee and we will discuss putting it on the resources section of the website.

Please do not post messages about swapping race entries/numbers without first gaining approval to do so from the race organiser. Once you have permission, please say so when you post to the group.


Having problems signing up?

Contact Edward Steele, who moderates the email group, for assistance.


Facebook Group

Open to all members and for anything outside of the email group announcements

Join here