Race Report: Sunset Coastal Marathon


Whilst out in Western Australia visiting my daughter, I ran the Sunset Coastal Marathon on Sunday 15th September. This was a marathon and run festival with five distances to choose from – marathon, the not marathon (32km), half marathon, 10km and 5km. Certainly something for everyone!

Given the early start, and Annabelle’s reluctance to get up that early , I got an Uber to the start. I arrived just after 5:30am and, as the sun was yet to rise, in total darkness with no sign of any activity. My driver was really sweet and was reluctant to leave me until I eventually found someone who confirmed I was in the right place! As dawn approached, lots of runners started appearing.

Billed as: ‘Own the sunrise on the Sunset Coast and get your spring off to the best start.’ The marathon started at 6:40am for which I was extremely grateful. Whilst temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius are considered very mild here, I found it quite hot . The course consisted of 5 out and back loops and by the latter loops there was no shade. The course was on the shared coastal path by Mullaloo Beach and, given the number of races and the fact that you ran out and back, there were a lot of people to navigate. All good fun! Despite it being a coastal path it was rather undulating, which was good as that added variety and actually, given I don’t really like multiple loops, it was all right. There was a great atmosphere.

My only consternation was the aid stations. You could get water 4 times on each loop which was brilliant and well received but only water. In the last loop they gave us half a cup of electrolytes which I was desperate for! I was really concerned about my legs cramping in the final few kilometres. Still my own fault as I should have carried something!

The winning man had a blistering fast run finishing in 2:43:55! The winning woman’s time was a little slower in 3:43:23. I finished 9 minutes behind her, 4th woman and first in my age group, in 3:52:51 which I was really pleased with. Annabelle was there at the finish and I was back at her place by 11:30am!

We then spent the afternoon on a cruise of the Swan River. Just an amazing part of the world. Feel so privileged to be here. Great running!

Tara Taylor

I had lots of Tunbridge Wells Harriers comments whilst out on the course!!