Sept 7 parkrun takeover

Club Events

Good evening Harriers,

I would like to thank the membership, again, for such a great response to our takeover of RTW parkrun this Saturday, Sept 7.
Attached are rosters of bakers, marshals and pacers.
Some of you are doing other roles too, which can be seen on the RTW roster here:
Notes for marshals:
Please arrive at the Dunorlan Park cafe by 8:30 and check-in with me (Robin) as I am co-ordinating marshals. Please wear TWH colours if possible.
Notes for pacers:
Please arrive at the park cafe between 8:30-8:45, where Richard Craig-McFeely will be distributing pacer vests. Please wear blue or yellow t-shirts if possible, as the pacer bibs would conceal deckchair vests.
Please line-up – in time order – behind RD Julie for her pre-run briefing just before 9am.
Please try to keep within 15 seconds of your target time (above or below) as we want to show local runners how accomplished and controlled we all are!
If you would prefer a pacing time that is SLOWER than your attributed time, please let me know, or let us know when you arrive. We can probably adjust accordingly. 
Notes for bakers:
Please bring your baked goods to the club gazebo when you arrive. If there are cakes that need slicing please do this before arrival. If you are going gluten-free, please bring a label with your baking. From 8:30, Margaret and Carol will be cake table monitors!
To all Harriers attending, please do wear club colours. Let’s turn Dunorlan Park blue and yellow! 
The forecast keeps shifting but fingers crossed for some sunshine! 
Thanks again – this is a fantastic team effort – and I look forward to seeing you there,