TWH Coached Session – Monday 16th September

Club Events

Dear all,

The forecast for tomorrow evening is dry and 14 – 15 degrees. Temperatures drop away quickly at this time of year so please bring layers to change into at the end. The planned session for this week is:

Monday 16th September – 7.30pm / Tonbridge School Athletics Track TN10 3AD – 4 x 5 mins @ 5k pace, 2min slow recovery. Marking distance covered in 5 mins. (Coaches: Mike and Julie).

Monday evening track sessions must be paid for, ideally in advance, to the club bank account via online transfer. Costs are £2 per session for Tunbridge Wells Harriers members, £3 for non-members. Please use your name + “Monday track” as reference. If you have forgotten to pay for any previous sessions, then please do a bulk payment.

We kindly ask that if you are feeling unwell in any way that you do not attend the coached sessions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the other coaches,
Best wishes